I am Jehovah God! Trust me, even on bad days. Your inner calm and the peace in my presence must not be disturbed by what is happening outside. Although you live in a world subject to the laws of time, the most intimate part of your being takes its source in eternity. When you start to feel the impact of stress, take a step back from external disturbances. Instead of desperately trying to maintain order and control in your little world, relax and remember that circumstances cannot shake my peace. Seek my face and I will tell you my intentions, I will open your eyes so that you can see things from my perspective. Let not your heart be troubled or be frightened. My child, the peace that I give is enough for you. (John 16:33; 14:37; Psalm 105:4).

Good morning!

Have a wonderful and blessed day with Jesus of Nazareth!


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