Facing the Impossible? Remember the Cross and Gain Victory! (Mark 15:22-27, 33-37.) No trial is too big for God; the cross is proof of His love and victory. If you’re facing an impossible situation or you’re just tired of the constant flow of bad news, this message is for you! When you’re in a battle big or small, remember the cross to get through it all. The cross brings love. God proved His love on the cross. That love surrounds us day by day. The cross brings liberty. Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross we are free from the bondage and penalty of sin. The Cross brings life. It is in the Cross that we find eternal life in Christ and everything God has planned for us. The Cross was the greatest victory ever won on earth and shows us the depth of God’s love for us. Jesus Christ loves you so much that He paid your ransom; whatever you’re facing, He will take care of it.

This morning, I’ve few questions to ask: Are you facing an impossible situation? Are facing despair? Do you have financial troubles or health issues?
Relationship issues? Are you tired of hearing bad news all the time? “Remember the Cross.” Remember that Jesus Christ loves you so much that He paid your ransom with His precious blood to give you liberty from sin. By His death and resurrection He turned death into life for all who believe in Him. Whatever you’re facing He will take care of it.

To close, I want to leave you with this poem entitled “That Cross”.


That Cross
When my eyes gaze on that cross
Oh, what love I see
For there God’s son gave his life
A sacrifice for me
The pain He suffered on that cross
All this for me he took
I’m reminded of the price it cost
When to that cross I look.
God’s love it is not hidden
It’s there for all to see
For on that cross long ago
Christ died for you and me.
The cross brings us love, liberty from sin and death, and life now and into eternity.

Good morning! Have a glorious and victorious week with Jesus of Nazareth in your boat!





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